I provide a wide variety of writing services. Whether you are looking for print or online text, I can write content suited for each medium.
I know how to transform complex information into plain language for media advisories, information sheets, articles, blogs and social media posts. I use clear and concise plain language, so a wide audience can benefit from the information.
My writing starts before the blank page. After confirming the topic, scope and audience with you, I will read through any source materials and data you can provide. I may do further research before I interview subject experts to learn more. Only then do I start typing.
I’ve written articles for newspapers, magazines, newsletters and blogs on a wide variety of topics for diverse audiences. Much of the time, I am not the subject expert. I’m trained as a journalist. My expertise is in gathering information from multiple sources and writing informative and engaging content.
My experience as a reporter-photographer helps me tell your story. I tailor my writing to meet the wants and needs of your target audiences on the print and online platforms they use.
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Want to read some of my writing?
St-Denis, V. (2022). Giving readers the information they want and can use. PLAIN eJournal, 4(1), 4–5. (Plain Language Association International).
St-Denis, V. (2020, October 13). Canadian, British and American: It’s all English, but the spelling is different. Our Languages Blog (Resources of the Language Portal of Canada).
St-Denis, V. (2020, May 12). Career Builder: An Action Plan for New Editors. The Editors’ Weekly (Editors/Réviseurs Canada).
St-Denis, V. (2019, September 3). Understanding My Reading Communities. The Editors’ Weekly (Editors/Réviseurs Canada).
St-Denis, V. (2017, September). The NCLEX-RN and the future of French-language health-care services. Canadian Nurse, 113(5), 28–31.
St-Denis, V. (2017, July). CIHI report monitors changes in regulated nursing trends over past 10 years. Canadian Nurse, 113(4), 9.
St-Denis, V. (2017, July). Perception of health technologies’ benefits increases with longer use. Canadian Nurse, 113(4), 10.
St-Denis, V. (2017, May). Federal budget removes one of the legislative barriers to NP practice. Canadian Nurse, 113(3), 12–13.
St-Denis, V. (2017, January). Continuing improvements being made to certification program. Canadian Nurse, 113(1), 12–13.
St-Denis, V. (2016, October). How to better serve an aging population. Canadian Nurse, 112(7), 18–21.
St-Denis, V. (2016, September). Meet the millennials: A new generation of nursing leaders. Canadian Nurse, 112(6), 28–30.
St-Denis, V. (2016, April). Examining medical assistance in dying from all sides. Canadian Nurse, 112(3), 10–11.
St-Denis, V. (2016, March). New way of working together for Indigenous health. Canadian Nurse, 112(2), 12.
St-Denis, V. (2016, March). Certification program goes paperless. Canadian Nurse, 111(7), 14–16.
St-Denis, V. (2015, October). Election winner needs to lead health-system innovation, panellists agree. Canadian Nurse, 111(7), 26–27.
Note: All Canadian Nurse articles are copyright Canadian Nurses Association and are reproduced with permission. Further reproduction is prohibited.
Email me, so we can talk about how my unique combination of skills can help you achieve your goals.